November 17, 2014, 2:11 am
Posted by: Mia

There is a winner of the Jund ‘Em Art contest: L Vb! Congratulations, L. We got a ton of really excellent entries so you should check them out under the jump!

L Vb


Thanks for all your hard work, you guys!

2 Comments on “Jund ‘Em Art Results!”

  1. Great art! Shame mine isn’t up there for some reason =(

    By Eskar - November 17th, 2014 2:21 am
  2. I still can’t get over how sick Elegy’s art is. I’ve watched her speedpaint and it’s NONSENSE.

    Next challenge will be yours, Elegy!

    By Cassidy Allison - November 17th, 2014 2:52 pm
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