November 16, 2014, 3:08 pm
Posted by: Mike

Calling all media and movie fans!

MovieBob’s call-in has been rescheduled to 7:15pm (local time) tonight, so make sure to tune in!

For those who don’t know, Bob “MovieBob” Chipman is a media critic, author, and gamer whose work appears on a number of sites including The Escapist and Screw Attack. Make sure you’re on the stream tonight at 7:15pm as we pick MovieBob’s brain about all things pop culture!

7 Comments on “MovieBob Call-In Time Change”

  1. With the success of so many other creator’s Patreons, Kickstarters and such, when can we expect something similar from yourself?

    By cosmosrules - November 16th, 2014 6:10 pm
  2. Punisher warzone … Why?

    By Samantha Kipps - November 16th, 2014 6:13 pm
  3. Hi, Bob!

    With Marvel delving into many of their lesser known franchises (like Guardians or Inhumans), what do you think will be the LAST thing Marvel will attempt to put to film, once all major franchises have run dry and we’ve all submitted to our Disney overlords?

    By Joseph Knoop - November 16th, 2014 6:20 pm
  4. Favourite Jaeger and favourite Kaiju from Pacific Rim?

    By Fake Busey - November 16th, 2014 6:36 pm
  5. How do you justify having someone in a charity event that has openly justified threats, violence and harassment? Especially today when people have actively physically assaulted and driven Steve Tom Sawyer from his home for supporting #Gamergate?
    His presence taints your charity event.

    By Avy - November 16th, 2014 7:02 pm
  6. Bob,

    I don’t know what you know about Jim Sterling’s departure from The Escapist, but he himself vaguely alluded to pressures from advertisers influencing the content he was able to produce. Have you experienced such pressures in the editorial process for the content you produce, and has it gotten worse as monopolies have consolidated the spheres of influence within the entertainment industry?

    By Ronald Meirs - November 16th, 2014 7:19 pm
  7. Hi, Bob. What are your favorite games by genre this year so far? (RPG, Survival horror, FPS, etc)

    By Gary Gill - November 16th, 2014 7:56 pm
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