November 16, 2014, 9:23 pm
Posted by: Mike

Are you feeling lucky? Think you’re a good judge of character? Well Ash has created an insidious challenge to test your powers of intuition!

A few minutes ago, Ash distributed six envelopes to six DB volunteers. TWO of those envelopes contain those incredible passes that will get you into a PAX event of your choice (Prime, East, Australia, or South)!

The volunteers made their case for why they thought they had the winning envelopes — but here’s the catch: they didn’t know either! At the end of Ash’s shift, we’re going to open up the envelopes and see who had the goods all along, but until then, you can get in on the action!

Ash’s shift ends at 10pm, so get your donations in before then to indicate who you think has got the prize!

To vote for… Donate…
Emily $5.01
Matthew $5.02
Tally $5.03
Ian $5.04
Kathleen $5.05
IQ 2000 / Mike $5.06

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