November 15, 2014, 12:16 am
Posted by: Mia

We’ve got some beautiful things up for silent auction, ending in two hours—that’s at 2am, for those keeping score at home. Check them out and get to bidding!

Chain Chomp Purse

This vinyl Chain Chomp purse is so cute I can’t even bear it. Seriously, look at it! It’s strongly made, lined on the inside, and will protect you from any Marios in your vicinity. Check it out here!



Emotional Goombas

Donated by our very own Heather, these adorable plushy Goombas are the perfect substitutes for showing emotions of your own. Cry into Sad Goomba, take out your rage on Angry Goomba, meditate with Calm Goomba, and celebrate joy with Happy Goomba. Go bid on these and enjoy!


Shadowrun First Edition

If you’re a tabletop gamer you will love this amazing first edition of the Shadowrun 6th printing  Core Rulebook, and three Shadowrun novels. Book collectors and nerds of all types will adore it. Go bid now!






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