November 15, 2014, 7:24 pm
Posted by: Mike

We may live to regret this, but we’re asking for your best video game trivia questions! I’m going to select a few of the best and subject the Desert Bus crew to a VIDEO GAME QUIZ!!

Now, to help you along, here are some tips from a professional trivia host (yes, really)!

  1. We’re NOT looking for the hardest question you can think of. Aim for something in the “medium” difficulty range. The last thing we want is a battery of impossible questions and no one knowing any of the answers!
  2. A great question makes people go “Ohhhhhh, of course!” when they hear the answer. It should be something they will have heard of!
  3. Following up on the previous suggestion, the question should explain its own relevance. Players should never be asking themselves “why would I care about this”?
  4. Try to build in as many clues as possible in the question. Even if someone doesn’t know the answer outright straight away, they should be able to at least make a decent guess based on what you’ve given them!

Send your entries to [email protected] and use the subject line “Trivia”! Get them in by 8pm Victoria time! 

Oh yeah, and, JUST ONE QUESTION PER PERSON PLEASE! So pick your best one!

Our winner will receive the Scholarly Gamer pack, a set of academic texts on the scholarship and history of video games (ludology, some have called it)!


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