November 15, 2014, 9:55 pm
Posted by: Mike

You find yourself in a bustling Dwarven ale house. The sour aroma of mead fills the air as you sit down across from the old sorcerer. “Are you here for the quest?” he asks. You nod your head and he continues: “the questing adventurer needs many tools to survive. Yes, armour and weapons, of course, but this is the most important.” He lifts a piece of canvas to reveal a stack of glowing magical tomes.


“This,” he explains “is the D&D Lover’s Lot. It contains a Player’s Handbook, a Monster Manual, a Hoard of the Dragon Queen adventure, a Rise of Tiamat adventure, a Tiamat Pinny Arcade pin (which was available only to attendees of the PAX Prime 2014 Acquisitions Inc. panel), and three D&D stickers.”

As you leaf through the books, you realize that they have each been signed inside by the Wizards of the Coast D&D team. “The set comes in a dashing and very sturdy Deconstructed D8 tote bag designed by C.M. Galdre” announces the sorcerer.

“If you wish to obtain this enchanted prize pack, you must donate an increment of $5.55 before 10pm Victoria time — only 8 minutes from now!”

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