October 30, 2014, 5:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

Raz Custom Figure

Created & Donated by Shaun Nakasone

Raz figure

This little guy really gets into your head. This custom 8″ figure is a physical representation (totally real, not a mental projection) of everyone’s favorite Psychonaut/circus performer Razputin from the Doublefine’s “Psychonauts”.

Disclaimer: will not enter your mind and sort out mental baggage.

The original 4″ munny vinyl figure was given additional hand sculpted elements made out of sculpey and Apoxie sculpt clay, the the whole figure was primed and beautifully custom painted with acrylic paints.

About the artist:
Shaun first started out making them as gifts for friends – mostly characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Team Fortress 2. He possesses a lifelong interest in video games, sculpting and customizing. Figure making is a blast but his least favorite aspect of figure-making? All the dust from sanding the figure – ick.





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