October 16, 2014, 5:00 pm
Posted by: Kara

So Long, Egon Print Signed by Dan Aykroyd

Created & Donated by Ash Vickers


Fans everywhere were saddened by the news of Harold Ramis’ passing earlier this year. Our friend Ash Vickers drew an exquisite piece of tribute art as a fond farewell, art that became incredibly popular and made large parts of the internet teary. The art was never available for purchase (and never will be, Ash has declared), but a handful of prints were made for charitable purposes. We have two of those here at Desert Bus, and this is one! Numbered 1 of 15 and signed by the artist, this print is a poignant reminder of fond movie-watching memories.

Due to Ash’s magical powers of awesomeness, this print is also signed by Ghostbuster Dan Aykroyd.

About the Donor:
Ash Vickers is the exquisitely talented artist and half of the writing team (along with her brother Steve Dengler) behind the webcomic Megacynics. A longtime friend of the Desert Bus crew, Ash is often begged, cajoled and bribed into drawing all manner of crazy things, and her skills grow more and more impressive with each passing year. Ash has been doing comics and illustrations for a decade.





One Comment on “Prize Preview: So Long, Egon”

  1. Seeing the amazing print again brought back chills for when Ash first showed it off on twitter.. So great!

    By Shogan01 - October 17th, 2014 10:18 am
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