November 22, 2013, 3:35 pm
Posted by: Mike

If you thought we didn’t have time for another


Well, I guess you were wrong!

Portal "99 Problems" lightbox

Until 4:18pm, donate in whole number multiples of $10.05* for a chance to win this ingenious Portal “99 Problems” lightbox. As chat has pointed out, because it comes with a dimmer switch, you can try a “lightbox intensifies” from the comfort of your own home.

*Oops! A previous version of this post said a different value. It’s definitely $10.05!

4 Comments on “Portal Light Sign Donation Drive”

  1. It’s 10.05 isn’t it?

    By badger - November 22nd, 2013 3:39 pm
  2. Bummer. I donated $42 based on the 10.50 value that was previously posted.

    By Clinton - November 22nd, 2013 4:33 pm
  3. Sorry, Clinton! We do our best to get the donations drives up as fast as possible, but unfortunately mistakes do occasionally happen. Apologies!

    By Mike Whitaker - November 22nd, 2013 5:01 pm
  4. Clinton, if you get this or if one of the crew get this message, get in contact with me and I will send you a post of 99 Problems if you like.


    By Miach - November 23rd, 2013 8:45 pm
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