November 22, 2013, 8:37 am
Posted by: Mia

In the latter hours of Matt’s driving shift, folks kept calling for him to take a dive and intentionally crash the bus. He said he would crash when the donation total reached $400,000. You really pushed, donors, and we reached that milestone before 8:20 a.m. PST–long before the end of Matt’s shift, making him the highest earning driver of the run so far. However, wishing to really etch his driver stats in history, Matt was still reluctant. When he refused to crash unless it was on his own terms (he wanted to get one more point first), Alex took matters into his own hands.

Bye, bus.

Alex pulls the plug on Matt.

Alex pulled out the controller cord, and Matt was forced to watch helplessly as chat and the Moonbase crowd alike chanted “Left, left, left, left,” until the bus came to a grinding halt. He’s now resolved to distinguish the remainder of his shift by bus stops. Are there more crashes in his future? Stay tuned, viewers, and keep that donation total climbing.


One Comment on “Matt crashed the bus”

  1. […] a shift donation total of $53,823.58–making him the highest grossing driver so far. He also crashed the bus a couple times. The latest, thanks to Alex, who unplugged the […]

    By Desert Bus Donor :: Blog - November 22nd, 2013 2:00 pm
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