November 21, 2013, 5:35 am
Posted by: Mia

It’s InfiniteJest!

“Such doge, much desert
Raise money, for children, wow
QWOP balls, much derp, Doge”


The rest of the submissions are, en masse, below the cut. We got LOTS of them!


Dan Miley:

Feel such emotion,

The doge command for wow dude.

Desert bus so good.


Mr Guy

I do not believe
that I can write a haiku
in thirty minutes.



wow, doge is so good
everyone love doge much
and doge love you too


Christina LIddle:

Err mah gerd a doge!
Oh such doge. So very doge.
Why you look so swag?



very rules, much strict
this line must have seven beats
wow, all the success


Jonas Obrist:

Furui basu
Doshu ga odoru
Kane no oto


An old bus,
The doge is dancing,
The sound of money



November, such cold
Wow, very fundraising, many Doge
Do want, good childrens


Adam Douglas:

Bussing so hard now
Much dance, very crash, club hard
QWOPING Doge, for child



On the fiftieth
All that I wish to behold
The great doge K9


Wow, Such Syllable
Five Seven Five Doges Here
Perfect Poetry

With Such Golden Fur
With Such humorous language
With Such Shibe Doge

Wow, Such Poetry
Wow, Very Much Funny Doge
Perfect Syllable

(Donor Account Arigah)



What is up my doge?
I can make your head a splode
Go check your emails.



Much Doge, very rhyme
Jamie needs to stay forever
HashTag Zeta Shift



desert bus rolls on
team zeta derps through the night
many qwops, such doge



Such charity. Wow.

Existential desert road

Very spirit quest!


Adam Gould:

wow such desert bus
Doge remains funny all night
[chat intensifies]


Donate. So Children.
Zeta shift wow amaze bus.
Such Haiku. Much Doge.



Mr. Guy

He has the cutest face
But that tail looks kinda ‘shopped
What is up, my doge?


“Tragedy of Doge
The Floating Words Haunt My Dreams
Will Never Know Peace”



Such stare. Wow. The doge
Watching bus. Watching you. Drive
Forever always.



wow, such poem format
very syllabels like wind
so flow and fitting



Hey there, little Doge.
Sitting on the lower third.
…Don’t eat the timer.



A Shiba Inu.
Praise given sarcastically.
One meme for the job.



wow, doge is so good
everyone love doge much
and doge love you too

– The Storne


Dancing in a hat of Doge
Money For Children
Desert Bus Full of Hope

– Douglas COulombe

Ezio will kill
That dastardly evil Doge
for his scurf of eden

Noob Doge Noob Doge Noob
Doge Doge Doge Bus Noob Bus Doge
Bus Bus Bus Noob Bus

Hello, Ladies – I’m
The man you wish your Doge was
Now I’m on a Bus



Donate. So Children.
Zeta shift wow amaze bus.
Such Haiku. Much Doge.



Many Spacebid, Wow
For the children, much money
Such Crash. Dammit Matt

– Pseudo Mcnim


wow, much desert bus
many bug splat, so green
no crash, much fun, wow

– Ryan Williams


Wow such Doge haiku
Doge donates doge love children
Much bus So desert

Doge thanks you for reading dogeku
Doge continues to watch



Bus has many hats
Jingle chicken, toothy fish
The Doge rules them all

Melanie (oceangreen)


shibe sees his tail
chases it, gets it, bites it
wow. much hurt. such pain

– Chton


Desert Bus – so wow /
Child’s Play – much donations /
Very insane time



What is Doge, Google?
Venetian Duke? No. Puppy.
Silly internet.

– Alexander Olson


Doge. Very Colour.
Much words, so fragments. New think!
All wow. Need Kitty?



Many doge can tricks
But none quite as well as Sir
Ranger Danger doge



Doge Haiku. Much Write
Much donate. Such dance. Great Bus
Super kids, Zeta

– Jeremiah


Such Haiku, much words
Special Bus,Driver No Crash
So excite, Zeta Shift

– Geoffrey Hazlewood


such much very wow
I am Busser, donate now!
wow wow plz wow
– LuckieDuckie


People bussing intensely,
the doges barking insanely
all for the children.

from Dim


The noble doge. Wow.
Much lineage, such breeding.

Doge snuggle, so love.

– Katie Cook


Wow! Much sick children
Very money to Child’s Play
Desert Bus so Hope

Rolling on desret
So dusk, so night, have bugsplat
Such boring gameplay

– Francois


such smoosh face shibe
much joy meme so bus power
whoops, missed a line . wow

– Brian Orlick


Doge, bus to bring toys
to all the good girls and boys
be quick they are sick

– Patrick Crowthers


By amylouise

“Doge on desert bus/
Can stop at every bus stop/
Much pee, many marks, wow”


Bah! What is a doge?
Doge or doge there is no not.
Go home doge your drunk.

– Dane Stobbe


Too many word float
Buzz like fly, very bother
Please much bug spray, yes?
– ArcadeStarlet


A doge is such love
A doge is many happy
But doge crashed bus

Who cares what fox say?
There’s only one I care for.
Doge says such break Kate.

Doge tries speech jammer
Puts headphones on it’s cute head
Doge does not speak words.

Doge is cute doggy
Gets all of the loving pets

– Gregory Skeels


So help children, very good.
much sleep deprevation qwop
almost dong, very whale dong.



I want a doctor
I call a telephone box
“No sir, this is doge”

– Drecon


Such Haiku, much words
Special Bus,Driver No Crash
So excite, Zeta Shift

– Geoffrey H


Haikus they count to
syllables, five seven five
oh bus man, such doge!

– Fredrik


Need to go sleep soon/
Watching cute doge video/
Staying up way late/

– Ryver


So much comic sans/a cute little shiba and/those clever captions.

by Elfowlgirl


Just in on Derp Line
Who Says Doge can’t make Music
Watch Ass 2: AirDoge

– Mark Denker


wow such bus many monies
many monkee dance for the child

love thisisthechris


Foreign paw-em. Wow.
So meta. Such syllables.
Ruff crowd. Many effort.

– Combine non elite


wow wow wow wow wow
wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
wow wow wow wow wow


Empty desert road
Here in eternal twilight
Such dance, much children

– Artemis


Immensely bright eyes,
that stare at us from corner.
Who dare not love Doge?

– Alejandro Pro


such haikew
sevn silabuls go hear
much mistakes, my bad

– Merav


Money for childrens.
We no stop. Plz! More Money.
Such meme. So laugh. Wow!

– inquisitorjl


Bear hat given love.
Final form revealed, doge hat.
Wow cute, such perfect.



Once upon a time,
The gods called for a hero,
And so Doge was born.

He scaled high walls,
Conquered many kingdoms,
And there was great Doge.

Then he grew ancient,
Waxed on his victories old,
And so died a god.
– Granville Parham

2 Comments on “Winner of Doge-Fu Poetry Challenge…”

  1. wow. such haiku. great talent.

    By Granville Parham - November 21st, 2013 5:57 am
  2. Doge is fool, doge is dumb,
    doge lick snake, snake bite bum,
    wow much sore, light is head,
    doge fall over, doge is dead.

    By VILGAX - September 14th, 2015 12:44 am
  3. Leave a Reply