November 21, 2013, 4:51 am
Posted by: Kelly

We have a lot of support from media coming in every day, from forums to big-time articles. Though we can’t thank each and every one of them (seriously, we’d love to if we could) we’d like to take some time to send out very special thanks to the following paragons:

Our first batch of steaming hot special thanks goes to Alexandria Brown of the Boulder Gaming Examiner for her article “Desert Bus for Hope uses worst game to fund-raise for charity”, which not only encouraged readers to visit Desert Bus and watch our snazzy for-the-children antics, but also gave a solid history of both the charity and the Penn and Teller game, which she rightly dubs the worst video game ever. Ever.

Next, a big time shout out to our friends over at FANGAMER for their encouragement and promotion of the awesome Jon Kay Desert Bus 7 tee shirts.

And finally, extra special with a cherry on top thanks to Phil Plait (of Bad Astronomy fame) and for the article “Take a Ride with Me on Desert Bus. For the Children!” It’s always great to hear from Phil, and his support is nothing short of fantastic. Thanks for the kind words and all the help you give us doing what we do FOR THE CHILDREN!

Addendum: Because it somehow missed my list of posts to praise, Siobhan Harper over at Dojit was one of the first to lead the charge with her article “Why You Should Watch Desert Bus” way back on November 15th! The article is not only informative and supportive of our cause but it’s also a good read. Thanks for your hard work, Siobhan! We here at Desert Bus really do appreciate it.

2 Comments on “More Media Thank Yous!”

  1. Hi, I covered Desert Bus on the Dojit website just before the run started: 😀

    By Siobhan Harper - November 21st, 2013 5:00 am
  2. Ah! You totally did! Lemme just fix this up. Sorry that I didn’t see it before you mentioned it; it’s a fantastic article.

    By Kelly - November 21st, 2013 6:09 am
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