November 21, 2013, 5:58 am
Posted by: Mia

Oh, team Zeta Shift. There are so many things which go on, and such incredibly funny events, and I love working this shift. Here’s what you missed.

This is QWERPline. It was bussing hysterical.

Ashton issued a photoshop contest for Sad Cowboy Paul. The results were HYSTERICAL, but the winner just broke me, at like 1am. Way before we normally break.

It was also a Musical Theater-inspired shift! We sang an outrageous amount of songs, and then this thing happened:

I posted up the feels from two nights ago in this blog post, and overall it was a silly, sweet, and very funny shift. Have a great day, Desert Bus.

One Comment on “Last Time, on Desert Bus…”

  1. Well, I might be unemployed, but that’s worth $20 right there

    By Maf - November 22nd, 2013 8:52 am
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