November 20, 2013, 5:29 am
Posted by: Kelly

Let’s take a moment to thank some more of the writers across the interwebs that have shown a light on what we’re doing here at Desert Bus!

Scott Shackford over at wrote a fantastic article about what we are and what we’ve done. He touches on the history of the Desert Bus game itself, recounts the history of Desert Bus for Hope as a charity, and then posits on the nature of video game marathon charities. It’s worth a look.

A fantastic francophone article was posted over at! In the article, Jean-Kleber Lauret offers the following kind words (forgive my imperfect translation):

“Today is a great story we can relate to. Full of humanism and generosity, [Desert Bus] proves how far people are willing to go to do good.”

And finally, John Erik Tøvik over at the videogame blog Wulfspace gave us a little shout out while warning readers that he was taking a hiatus for Desert Bus! Thanks, John!

Thanks for the support! We really appreciate it! Now back to bussing!

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