November 20, 2013, 1:59 pm
Posted by: Alanna Bullock

The Moon Base was attacked by giant lobsters.


There were three people here that had the same name so obviously 3 Ian Moon had to happen!


We also found out what Engineering will do when you tell them to do whatever they want with the switches.
Engineering Dance Party

Andrew Ferguson, our photographer extraordinaire, posted another great set of pics for your viewing pleasure!


Dix managed to keep a straight face for the children.

Alex got loves (thanks for making this Ariel!)


Click “more” for even more!

We hit $250,000 due to a generous donor buying a big bag of dice for $9001.00 all at the very beginning of Graham’s shift!

Phil Plait called in and auctioned off huge Bad Astronomer Lot including this little guy.

A real iron Sikhote-Alin meteorite from space.

A real iron Sikhote-Alin meteorite from space.

Oh, and Graham crashed the bus… on the LEFT.


Al Jazeera America is back, braving the Moon Base for the second day in a row! :)


They were really great sports
Cam-Butt is much loved by the Chat and Graham worked with what had.


It has been an exciting morning folks, keep an eye out for more exciting news this afternoon.

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