November 20, 2013, 9:45 am
Posted by: Alanna Bullock

Bad Astronomer Lot


We will be auctioning this off LIVE in just over an hour from now so sign up for a donor account right now! This lot has been put together by the always awesome Phil Plait (aka The Bad Astronomer) and includes the following:

  • honest to space meteorite (the meteorite is 3.5 cm across and weighs 30 grams)
  • some tektites
  • lithograph pictures from Spitzer Space Telescope
  • an Earth squishy ball
  • two pairs of eclipse glasses that let you safely view the Sun (donated by Phil’s friend Stephen Ramsden of the Charlie Bates Solar Observatory)
  • an issue of Astronomy magazine that has an article Phil wrote about UFOs
  • a “Krieger’s Army” sticker given to Phil personally by Lucky Yates from “Archer
  • two books: “Bad Astronomy” and “Death from the Skies!” (the latter is the Chinese version – because reasons)

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