November 19, 2013, 11:38 pm
Posted by: Mia

Heather Dery, AKA LunarJade, is the wonderful wife of our very own Beej and a HIGHLY skilled crafter. How skilled? The entire team is drooling over this giveaway lot: a Kuribo’s Show crocheted blanket and a gorgeous quilted Goomba pillow.



Donate in increments of $19.88 until 12:30 for your chance to win this prize; Heather’s blankets, in the past, have auctioned for over $4000!! The team is trying to get in on this too, so donate away!

One Comment on “This Giveaway Is Big.”

  1. I know the guy who won this and he lives in Calgary where it is crazy freaking cold right now. That awesome blanket can’t come soon enough!

    By Jeff - November 20th, 2013 4:33 pm
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