November 19, 2013, 1:30 am
Posted by: Kelly

We’d like to take a minute to thank Ken Smith, a writer at the video game blog Pixelitis, for an article about Desert Bus he wrote earlier this week!

In his article, Ken wrote:

“Of all the charity live streams on the Internet, Desert Bus for Hope is probably the only one where the viewers have no interest in the game being played… so the streamers earn their donations by performing ridiculous antics to the great amusement of the viewers. Upon one such viewing, I was treated to the entire room singing “Kung Fu Fighting” and doing karate kicks. That’s basically what you should expect.”

It’s articles like these that help us bring it home for the children, so thanks to Ken and the entire Pixelitis team! We think your website is pretty fancy too.

Read the article here or go right to their website at, an ever growing source of news, reviews and insightful features on the industry you care about.

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