November 19, 2013, 6:37 am
Posted by: Alanna Bullock

Why are you guys up so early? Oh, right… FOR THE CHILDREN!

Huge thank you to everyone who entered the contest – it has taken TWO bloggers to get through all of them! There were so many great entries we wish we could share all of them with you. It was extremely hard to pick a winner but after much deliberation we are excited to announce the winner of the Minecraft Creeper Doll is…


Creeper Challenge - Technomancy

A moment of silence for our fallen brothers and sisters.

Thank you to all our runners up:

One Comment on “Ode to the Fallen – Creeper Edition”

  1. […] We have honoured our fallen with our Ode to the Fallen – Creeper Edition […]

    By Desert Bus Donor :: Blog - November 19th, 2013 1:57 pm
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