November 18, 2013, 10:22 pm
Posted by: Mia


After a fantastic set of submissions, we’re pleased to announce that the winner of Kathleen’s ‘Draw Pel’ Contest is RoseNightshade!! They will receive this sweet D&D pack for their trouble. Congratulations to all who made the shortlist, because Kathleen was truly impressed–and she is a lady of very high-quality taste.

The rest of the finalists are below the cut!


2 Comments on “Winner – Draw Pel Art Contest!”

  1. Thank you all all the art you showed was AMAZING especially that plushie and honestly I was surprised I won but absolutely ecstatic and so very very very excited, thank you! 😀 All the art was incredible!

    By RoseNightshade - November 18th, 2013 10:37 pm
  2. Well done, RoseNightshade! That is some excellent expressive work. The hair looks phenomenal.

    By Clankenbeard - November 19th, 2013 6:43 am
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