November 18, 2013, 7:00 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

Check out these sweet silent auctions that end at 10am Pacific Time.

chainmail tie

chainmail tie

It’s a little on the heavy side, but this chainmail tie most definitely makes a statement. The man who wears this tie is sure to get attention.

Skifree Yeti quilt

Skifree Yeti quilt

Straight out of the 8-bit classic SkiFree, the yeti is back to eat your skier! Starting with 3240 individually cut fabric ‘pixels’ and a whole lot of sewing, there are now two quite large yetis, back to back.

Geoff Darrow Sketches

Geoff Darrow Sketches

Three silly sketches from comic book arist Geoff Darrow. PLEASE NOTE: At the request of Ken Steacy, and with the permission of Child’s Play, 50% of the donations for this item will go to the Desert Bus organizing team, in recognition of their efforts in putting on this event. The other 50% will go to Child’s Play.

Plus there’s this awesome live auction happening at 11:30am Pacific Time!

Original, handwritten story by Stephen “Stepto” Toulouse

It’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, reverse acronym!). Join Stephen “Stepto” Toulouse as he takes a huge risk and reads aloud from his work in progress. Amongst the laughter and the tears, if you can stop cringing long enough, Stepto is auctioning off a hand written copy of his story.

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