November 18, 2013, 12:30 am
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

We have lots of awesome giveaways happening all the time! They can be for donation challenges (anyone who donates a specific amount during a short period of time gets entered into a draw), art competitions, costume contests, and who knows what else! These are ones that are happening during Johnny’s shift! (That’s from now until 10am Pacific Time.)  There’s no specific time that these happen, so if you really want one you’ll have to keep watching!

Neverwinter Noble's chest

Neverwinter Noble’s chest

This limited edition chest has never been available for direct purchase anywhere, as it was originally created for individuals who worked on Neverwinter, and a few games journalists.


Fingerless Link Gloves

Fingerless Link Gloves

Simple, practical and charming, we feel these gloves add the perfect final touch to any fall or winter wardrobe.

Scribblenauts prize pack #1

Scribblenauts prize pack #1

Things that are fun: Words (especially words like “pterodactyl” and “jetski” and “flamethrower”), goofy hats, playing games on the go and funky 3DS cases.

embroidered dice bag

embroidered dice bag

This handsome dice bag is machine embroidered with – very appropriately – polyhedral dice, and is divided into three interior segments for the purpose of sorting your dice.

Amigurumi Moogle

Amigurumi Moogle

Moogles are handy to have around, whether to sell you things, save your game or generally cuten things up.

Plants vs. Zombies Risk

Plants vs. Zombies Risk

The zombies are coming, the zombies are coming!  As the good plant, you must of course fight them off. Or you can play as the zombies, in which case uproot those nasty little plants!

Resident Evil Prize pack

Resident Evil Prize pack

Zombies are a classic – they “never die,” if you will. But you sure can spend a lot of time trying to keep them down. Enjoy some good-old zombie-bashing gameplay with this Resident Evil prize pack!

FTL: Faster Than Light poster - signed

FTL: Faster Than Light poster – signed

This signed and stylish poster comes from the award-winning game FTL, a top down, real time strategy game from indie developer Subset Games.

Molly Lewis Prizepack #1

Molly Lewis Prizepack #1

Are you a fan of Molly Lewis? Do you enjoy geeky, witty, awesome music performed on the ukulele? Well this lot is for you!

Smeagol figurine from Lord of the Rings

Smeagol figurine from Lord of the Rings

This Smeagol statue from the Lord of the Rings: Two Towers will probably not stab you in the back… probably.

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