November 18, 2013, 6:31 pm
Posted by: Alanna Bullock

If you are spending any time on our chat (and you should be! Go! Now!) then you have no doubt seen some of the gifs you amazing people have made.

Capturing some of the best moments in DB007 we have snatched these from chat as we can but a huge thank you has to go out to “Leonard Nimoy’s Head” for e-mailing us at [email protected] a giant collection.

For your viewing pleasure may I present Your Gifs of the day!

Yeah… These are the things we do for you. If we have featured a gif of yours please claim it in the comments! Also, if you capture a particularly embarrassing moment please feel free to email it to us ([email protected]) so we can re-live it over and over and over and over…

For the Children!

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