November 16, 2013, 10:49 pm
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

As night encroaches onto the Night Bus a shift change happens, Cam begins his driving shift, and I begin blogging. My name is Matthew, and as you’ve seen from previous posts all bloggers for Desert Bus must have names beginning with the letter M. If you are approached by a Desert Bus blog post claiming to be written by someone whose name does not begin with M do not listen to it, do not talk to it, and do not look directly at it. In fact you cannot do these things because those blog posts do not exist.



I want to take this moment to thank all of you out there, for all of the generous donations that you may or may not be aware that you just made. So far during Desert Bus we have raised over $36,000, which includes a  donation from a certain anonymous world leader. I can’t tell you who—let’s just say, большой спасибо президент Кэмерон! Thank you again for your involuntary support of Desert Bus. We couldn’t do it without the support of viewers like you, in conjunction with unethical contributions from nefarious organizations. And with that, I leave you alone with your thoughts, folks. Stay tuned for more exciting auctions and events. Good night, Bus Vale, and welcome.

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