November 16, 2013, 1:49 pm
Posted by: Mia

DESERT BUS 7 kicked off with an amazing opening video! Then chat crashed, but we won’t!  (Right, James?) Our goal for this year is to reach 15 points, beating the previous world record of 14 set back all the way in Desert Bus 2.

It wouldn’t be Desert bus without a few technical, um, hiccups? Unique celebrations of non-operational processes?  Nonetheless we are thrilled to introduce our new MEGAVISION video, sponsored this year by Megacynics , as well as our awesome new Desert Bus App designed by our very own Jeremy Petter.

We quickly initiated our first donation drive: for $14, viewers entered for the chance to win a sheet of uncut Magic: The Gathering M14 foils. The drive ended at 11am and the lucky winner was…Invariel!! Congratulations!! Another fantastic development announced this year is that every prize will come with a Desert Bus 7 collectible patch!

The first silent auction was for Gavin Card’s truly impressive Desert Bus for Hope Chainmail Inlay. Bidding will close at 6pm local time, so get in your bids! Speaking of which, if you don’t have a donor account, go and get one now by going to–or create an account through the app!

We got a preview of the official Desert Bus 7 shirts, which are available for pre-order NOW and will ship to you in January.

Ian was issued our first challenge of the year: to sing Miley Cyrus’ “Wrecking Ball” as Skeletor. While he twerked in preparation, amazingly talented Andy Cownden  ran a live improv version of Papers, Please, and then led the room in a rousing rendition of the Desert Bus theme song, ‘Tucson or Bust’.

The first live auction of a super-rare Ducktales lunchbox and NES cartridge began at noon. Don’t forget that you can bid in the chat by typing /bid [$$$$.$$]. The second bid shot right up to $2000 right away–amazing!! A fierce amount of bidding ensued, and the lunchbox went to asty for the amazing sum of $3500!! Setting the bar high for this year.

Our first giveaway contest of the year challenged viewers to tell a 50-word story of James’ adventures with James Bond and Brimley the Pig, with the winner getting Brimley himself as a prize. The giveaway ended at 1; congratulations to winner Will Goodwin!

A $7.77 donation drive ran from 1 until 2, with a Desert Bus claptrap plush as the prize. Winner still to be announced at time of publishing.

So that’s the story. Have fun with Mike for the next few hours, readers! – Mia

One Comment on “Last Time, on the opening of Desert Bus…”

  1. They really stood up to my challenge in DB2 when I said I’d donate $100 for every consecutive point they earned (up to 12.) They kept going even after I was tapped out & other fans joined in on the dollars-for-points challenge to push the score. It was an incredible year & I’m pretty sure they still hold the world record score for the game.

    By Evil Jim - November 16th, 2013 2:36 pm
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