November 16, 2013, 10:32 am
Posted by: Mia

“It smells a lot better at the start than at the end.” – Andy


Andrew Cownden is an actor, playwright, song writer, and all around awesome guy working out of Vancouver, BC. He got involved with LoadingReadyRun the old-fashioned way: high school. He’s been tagging along since 2003, when Graham said “Hey, Andy, can you be in my video?” and Andy said “Um…you can put video on the internet without exploding the computer?”

After attending the Canadian College of Performing Arts, Andy has traveled around the province doing professional theater (or Proh-feh-sional THEATAH *sniff sniff*) for about eight years. He has appeared on TV shows like Eureka and Exes and Ohs (he even has an IMDB profile), and a positively intimidating amount of plays and musical theater performances. Andy also wrote the official Desert Bus theme song, “Tucson or Bust”, which came out of a live improv he originally did on Desert Bus 1. You could say that he makes making stuff up look easy; and he definitely always makes it look good (or at least funny).

Andy will be here until Wednesday, taking challenge requests from viewers (so get creative!), and then he will be going back to Vancouver for an audition. Keep an eye out for him in the early morning and afternoon (PST).


2 Comments on “Desert Bus Talent Profile: Andy Cownden”

  1. […] “Wrecking Ball” as Skeletor. While he twerked in preparation, amazingly talented Andy Cownden  ran a live improv version of Papers, Please, and then led the room in a rousing rendition of the […]

    By Desert Bus Donor :: Blog - November 16th, 2013 1:51 pm
  2. Andy has a Bacon number of 3!

    By Captain Phil - November 16th, 2013 4:23 pm
  3. Leave a Reply