November 16, 2013, 4:32 pm
Posted by: Mike

If anyone was wondering how long it takes for us to get some jaw-dropping, amazing, astounding user-submitted content, you now have your answer: this long.

MC117, Desert Bus fan and rhymesmith nonpareil, sent us “Bus Stop” a DB-themed parody of Macklemore’s “Thrift Shop”,  presented below for your listening pleasure. All I can say is wow.

Check out the clip and view the link on YouTube for the full lyrics, which are magnificent.

MC117 was also kind enough to include a link to the high quality version for download. It’s free, but MC117 suggested — and we agree! — that you consider making a donation to Desert Bus if you enjoyed the song!

3 Comments on “Amazing Desert Bus rap”

  1. Wow, that was unexpected and hilarious and is definitely a highlight of DB007!

    By KV1NN4 - November 16th, 2013 4:41 pm
  2. Thanks so much, I’m glad you liked the song! We’ll figure out a way to distribute it as a free download for sure. =) Come say hi to me on the facebooks, I do other music too (though it isn’t about desert bus so it is inherently not as good).

    By MC117 - November 16th, 2013 5:05 pm
  3. Well dong, sir. Well dong.

    By carryoncrow - November 16th, 2013 7:30 pm
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