November 12, 2013, 7:21 pm
Posted by: Kara

Apple has approved the Desert Bus for Hope iPhone app!


Download the app from iTunes:

US Store:

Please note: We made a mistake when we set the riders for our content warnings and it appears that they have defaulted to the maximum settings for each. They should be;

  • infrequent/mild cartoon violence
  • infrequent/mild profanity and crude humour
  • infrequent/mild suggestive themes
  • infrequent/mild alcohol and/or drug references

You will see these changes reflected in the next update of the app.

14 Comments on “Download the Desert Bus iPhone App!”

  1. Woo! I have app! Looks great, you guys. I can’t wait for Saturday to really put it to the test.

    Question, though: You all try so hard to keep the stream relatively For The Children-friendly, so why all the content warnings?

    By Robyn - November 12th, 2013 11:40 pm
  2. I would assume because it relates to a live event. Things happen, people slip up, etc. They can’y be 100% sure what will and wont happen.

    By Lord Sparks - November 13th, 2013 8:29 am
  3. It’s actually a mistake. We opted for a 17+ rating because we pull from the Twitter and blog and something slightly racy could end up there. However, we did not properly set the riders for that rating, so they defaulted to the maximum possible advisory for everything. We’ve pushed an update to fix this, but it could be few days coming.

    They should be:
    * infrequent/mild cartoon violence
    * infrequent/mild profanity and crude humour
    * infrequent/mild suggestive themes
    * infrequent/mild alcohol and/or drug references

    By Jer - November 13th, 2013 11:06 am
  4. That sounds more like it, thanks. The advisories for “realistic violence,” “horror/fear” and “nudity” struck me in particular and just seemed wrong somehow.

    By Robyn - November 13th, 2013 7:04 pm
  5. To be fair.. The bug splat is probably the most violent feature. As for horror/fear.. Well.. Harry the Creepy Doll. Because sheesh. =P

    Also Gibb and Harry don’t wear pants. So there’s that.

    By Matt A - November 13th, 2013 8:05 pm
  6. So any plans for us Android peeps?

    By Pedro R. - November 13th, 2013 9:41 pm
  7. I don’t know, I think you may want to live up to the Frequent/Intense Sexual Content or Nudity.

    By KidsGaming4Kids - November 13th, 2013 10:50 pm
  8. Installed in NZ!

    By Jamas - November 13th, 2013 11:38 pm
  9. @pedro: not this year. We’d like to for next year, though :).

    By Jer - November 14th, 2013 12:45 pm
  10. I’d be willing to work on an android version. I’ve been actually looking for an android project to work on in my free time.

    By Sherlock - November 15th, 2013 11:10 am
  11. Desert bus app commercial:
    (ominous voice) Do you think you are ready?
    (angry metal starts blaring)
    (even angrier voice) Desert bus for hope’s new Desert bus app is HERE! Get ready to help sick children find joy with such features like Frequent Violence, so realistic that your eyes will become FIRE!!
    Are you ready? For the most Intense Horror ever captured in app form, that will send your spine on a year long trip into OUTER ORBIT!!!
    Watch with dread as our team of insane daredevils consume alcohol and drugs at a frenzied pace for the greater good while also providing you with such Intense Sexual Content and Nudity that your reproductive organs will simply cease functioning in protest.
    Now with the new Profanity feature which automatically delivers to you swearing so vile that you may suffer A SEIZURE! IN YOUR BRAIN!!
    All this and more await you within, damnable soul. So… DO YOU THINK YOU ARE READY?!!

    (Cut to peaceful guy/girl looking at mobile) Meh… I guess. (Clicks download)

    By Sati - November 16th, 2013 3:35 am
  12. Bug report: On an iPad model MD511KN/A with iOS 7.0.4 (11B54a), the app crashes during launch. It only shows a brief all black screen before closing.

    By Tino Didriksen - November 16th, 2013 6:18 am
  13. I must report the same problems with the app as Tino (comment 12). It opens with a black screen for a very short time and then closes again. Model of ipad and iOS is the same.

    By Linus Petersen - November 16th, 2013 12:34 pm
  14. The app magically started working for me. The crash apparently wasn’t a crash, but it did hide the app.

    I noticed when doing a quick app switch that Desert Bus was one I could switch to, which worked…and after that, it’s worked every time, even after killing the app.

    By Tino Didriksen - November 18th, 2013 10:59 am
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