October 19, 2013, 4:57 pm
Posted by: Kara

Are you fundraising for Desert Bus? We’d like to help.

If you are hosting a Desert Bus fundraiser, please contact Kara ([email protected]) with the details and we will happily post your fundraiser on our site, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

It’s a pretty simple equation: The more money you raise = the more money we raise = the more money goes towards helping sick kids. We think it’s a pretty good deal. So let us help to make your fundraiser the best that it can be.

After all, you make our fundraiser pretty awesome.

2 Comments on “Call for Submissions: Desert Bus 7 Community Fundraisers”

  1. …ugh. This is going to be the first DB I’ve participated in which is not synchronized with (USA) Thanksgiving week. I hope this doesn’t depress contributions. You’re going to have to do some big publicity – there’s a strong association between Thanksgiving and Desert Bus for a lot of us, and if you don’t get word out a lot of the more casual participants are going to tune in a week too late.

    I fully expect it will push down viewer-hours regardless. You guys really need to be more sensitive to eastern US timezone viewers this year, since more of us will have to actually work and there will be fewer nights we can stay up to 2 AM for auctions/challenges/everything. It was pretty bad last year, even with taking the whole week off.

    At least the Saturday start will help, putting the probable end in the wee hours of Saturday the 23rd. I guess I’ll rework my holiday calendar to take off the 22nd. If they’ll let me.

    By Ked - October 25th, 2013 6:16 am
  2. Fundraising is a really awesome idea and I wish I’d thought of it sooner!

    On the subject of time zones I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that this year’s start time is so UK-friendly. With Desert Bus being a truly international experience there’s no way to make everyone happy, but after years of staying awake to 2am (or similar) to catch the first half hour before crashing dramatically I’m looking forward to having a new experience this year.

    By Katie - November 7th, 2013 7:59 am
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