November 21, 2012, 7:00 pm
Posted by: Kelly

T-Minus thirty minutes until you have a chance to win your very own song by the Doubleclicks!

That’s right. Your very own song. Anything you want a song about, 60 to 90 seconds long.

Auction starts at 7:30pm PST
[Song to be completed within 90 days of confirmation of mutually agreed upon topic. The Doubleclicks reserve the right to perform the song in their set and include in future albumns. The song is for a charity donation and is not for commercial use.]

One Comment on “Live Auction: A Custom Doubleclicks Song Just for You!”

  1. How was your birthday party?! We only saw part of it :3

    By Phoenix - November 21st, 2012 7:04 pm
  2. Leave a Reply