November 21, 2012, 7:20 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Help us, oh-Desert Bus fans, you’re our only hope!

Want to win an cuddly R2D2 plush made by our very own Tally of Tally’s Treasury? This droid has big attitude for such a small guy and is made of soft fleece, felt, and sass with a with appliquéd felt detailing. You can hold onto this plush droid like your childhood memories of the pre-prequel Star Wars!

Tally is also the coordinator of the Desert Bus for Hope Craft-Along, which is pretty much the most awesome role ever because she gets to talk about, look at and handle countless incredible handmade items and get to know the immensely talented people who made them. But she has to pretend that it’s super duper difficult and arduous work, since Desert Bus is all about pain and suffering, so shhh!

To win this item drop donate any multiple of $12.22 before 8pm! Every $12.22 buys you an entry into the draw! So go! Bid! You still have 40 minutes!

And may the Bus be with you. Always.



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