November 21, 2012, 7:20 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Hey everyone, want to do something awesome?

We need to fill out our achievements page and we want you to do it for us (that sounded better in my head…)!

Anyway, help us out and get your achievements

Here’s what you do:

  1. Go to our achievements page and see which achievements we have already unlocked this year!
  2. Notice that we need images to put up for those achievements!
  3. Realize that if you submit art for those unlocked achievements you could win a prize!
  4. Draw/Photoshop/Airbend something awesome and save it as  Save it as a PNG at 70px by 70px with transparency.
  5. Send it to us at [email protected] and use “Achievement Unlocked” as your  Subject Line!
  6. ???
  7. PROFIT!

So what do you get? Well, we might just be giving our favorite entry a copy of The Darkness II for a platform of your choice (XBOX, Playstation or PC).

Plus, you get unlock the personal achievement “Achievement Unlocked: Unlock Achievement Unlocked through Unlocked Achievement”.



  1. I’m looking at the Achievements page and the pics that exist already are 493×492 pixels. Why are they/you looking for 70×70 now? #confused

    By ecocd - November 21st, 2012 8:30 pm
  2. Did you guys use last year’s icons or did someone re-submit them?

    Just asking ’cause I made the icon for the “C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER”-achievement last year… =3

    By LuckyNobody - November 22nd, 2012 4:37 am
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