November 20, 2012, 9:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

2K Games is a developer/publisher with an impressive list of published titles (The Darkness, Borderlands, XCOM, Spec Ops), including a few we all thought would never see the light of day (Prey, Duke Nukem Forever). 2K and their game The Darkness helped spawn Unskippable’s most noteworthy running gag “That was the nth time I died.” It also was the very first game Yahtzee Croshaw covered in Zero Punctuation, so the company holds a deep and warm place in our hearts. We’re also happy to say that after this year, they’ll probably have a nice place in your heart too — they’ve literally given us a huge box of games to give away.

2K Games will be releasing hotly anticipated Bioshock: Infinite in 2013. You can learn more at

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