November 20, 2012, 6:15 pm
Posted by: Kelly

Wow. We received over 120 entries for this contest and after much work Kathleen and Kelly were able to narrow it down to two winners!


Kathleen’s Winner:

By Kiyote

The bus kicked off into light speed, the stars around them blurred, and time crawled to a standstill.

A writhing mass of tentacles poured forth as the great Cthulhu came into view.

Insanity set in as one word was uttered from the dread mouth of the Great Old One.



Kelly’s Winner:

By Daniel Brown

If accelerated to light speed, the Desert Bus would complete it’s journey approximately 448254 times per second. All is fine until we factor in Wiggins Radiation, which would mean the Bus would crash 448254 times per second, overloading every Sega CD console in existence, destroying Desert Bus forever.

Damnit, Matt.


Click after below to see the other eight stories that made it into the top ten!


By ratinskypo

With all of LRR collapsed from exhaustion, Creepy Doll, the vampiric monstrosity, had just taken command of the Bus when his felt eyes did not see a mysterious glowing button on the controller.

The button impatiently pressed itself, launching the Bus into the ground at light speed.

No one survived.

It was Matt’s fault.


By Britt Treichel

“Llight speed, disengage in five…” I gripped the cold steering wheel, stars streaming past like ribbons in the black.

“Two… One… Disengaging.” Even in the empty vacuum of space, the crunch of windows was still sickening.

The last thing I saw floated past on a rectangular sheet of metal: Burmashave.


By Jason Farmsworth

After years of driving it finally happened. The bus speed up, the white lines blurred, the bugs started to fill the windshield. Than the bus left the ground flew off into space, then crumpled.

The driver’s ghost looked down a single tear on his cheek.

“I finally space jumped.”


By Chloe Winsdale

They knew it was a dumb, horrible idea, but what were they to do? Matt’s frump face was after them, and it would rain down Whale Plaid if they stopped. Gripping the controls, the switch was hit for lightspeed.  The last thing they saw was a sign: Burma Shave.


 By Frederick Hedd
 Desert bus jumps. Light speed reached. Matt’s driving? Roadside breached. Burma Shave.


By Nicholas Zapetis

Within that nanosecond that the bus reaches light speed, everything relative to the bus seems still, as outside the atoms of the Bus’ frame cause nuclear fusion with the very air, resulting in a massive atomic explosion.  Within moments, the last bits of radiation reach Tuscon and get one point.


By Heather Dunning

“Jump to lightspeed!” the driver cried with determined enthusiam. The steel structure rattled and shook as the vessel creaked noisily up to 45mph.
By Cael Tyr
The driver waited anxiously for the signal from control as he brought the bus up to its max speed.  The Burmashave engines were filled to the brim with Nyanonium, capable of bringing the bus to lightspeed.
The signal was given and the driver punched it.  The explosion was magnificent.

One Comment on “Desert Bus Light-speed Story Contest Winners!”

  1. Top Ten!

    Perhaps next time I’ll win!

    By Chloe Winsdale - November 20th, 2012 7:07 pm
  2. Leave a Reply