November 20, 2012, 11:37 am
Posted by: Kelly

Congratulations to Wez Brown for winning the Creepy Dance contest!

Wez Brown\’s Creepy Dance~!

Thanks Wez!


Here are the rest of the entries, including one from a Busser who didn’t have the ability to take video:

Botten Anna doin’ the Creepy!

waZelda’s Challenge Entry!

ValEthrien’s doing the dance as Summer Fun Squall Leonhart!

Mrkmil3526 doing some “Baptist Dancing”

Clairelaferret doing the Creepy shake!

Jeff Lowes dances for us!

Wingdairu does a Creepy MJ for us!

Maldark404 sends us this sexy video. He did it FOR THE CHILDREN.

One Comment on “Contest Win: Creepy Dance”

  1. I tried ever so hard to submit my video this morning, but no matter what I tried…by YouTube, my upload was denied. I made multiple attempts to get my video uploaded, I tried changing the format, but every time, YouTube wouldn’t let me make a fool of myself. I eventually had to give up so that I could get to work on time.

    It’s too late to enter now, but I really wanted to share my efforts:

    By Malyss - November 20th, 2012 6:32 pm
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