November 20, 2012, 4:00 pm
Posted by: Tomorrowboy

Bob “MovieBob” Chipman is the resident film buff of The Escapist and host of Escape to the Movies, The Big Picture, and the Game OverThinker Overbytes. He’s also the man behind Intermission and the upcoming webshow The Adventures of the Game Overthinker on On top of all of this, he maintains his blog, MovieBob, with near-daily posts.

Bob will be calling in on Tuesday at 8:00 PM PST, 11:00 PM EST, 4:00 AM GMT. Leave your questions for him in the comments section!

37 Comments on “Call In: Bob “MovieBob” Chipman”

  1. Hey Bob, I’ve been thinking about this a bunch lately, if you were given the chance and a sufficient budget, what movie would you most like to adapt into a video game, and vice-versa? (Game to movie)

    By Elilupe - November 20th, 2012 4:11 pm
  2. dear dr chipman

    many people talk about adapting games to movies, but always consider doing it in a live action setting, do you think that stuff like mario and zelda, or other games, would be better if they maintained there usual art style for the movie, so it would be a animated or cgi mario movie instead of live action? also what is your favourite sandwich?

    By rioku_solana - November 20th, 2012 4:31 pm
  3. Have you ever considered now that you are finally creating a dedicated show like the AVGN and other content producers that you will be hiring, contracting or asking for volunteers to be involved with the production of your new show?

    Also why over Youtube?

    By Tenmar - November 20th, 2012 4:34 pm
  4. Dear Dr Chipman,

    What is your opinion of non-erotic Burma Shave Fan Fiction?

    By Lord Hosk - November 20th, 2012 4:49 pm
  5. What’s the worst move you love, but everyone hates. (So bad it’s good doesn’t count).

    By Maldark - November 20th, 2012 4:50 pm
  6. Whoa! Moviebob is gonna be on this? Hell yeah! Anyway, what’s your opinion of the Wii U? Have you gotten your hands on one yet? What do you think they’ll do with the next 3D Mario (a la Galaxy) and the next Zelda? Thanks in advance!

    By boolean_true; - November 20th, 2012 4:51 pm
  7. Dear Dr. Bob.

    What advice do you have for anyone trying to write a screenplay?

    By Jay Blanc - November 20th, 2012 4:58 pm
  8. Dear Bob,
    What made you want to become a film critic?

    By June - November 20th, 2012 5:03 pm
  9. Did you have to secure licensing rights for the persona images (re: ) which you use on your MovieBob column or where they drawn specifically for you?

    By Maetrix - November 20th, 2012 5:15 pm
  10. Dear Dr Moviebob

    Theoretical situation: you are doing a crossover with Linkara. what do you review and why?

    also, is there anything in the works for you to do a crossover with Linkara?

    By Small Ian - November 20th, 2012 5:26 pm
  11. Hey Bob,

    What is your least favorite Marvel universe flick so far and why?

    Also, care to speculate about the direction Disney is going to take Star Wars in eps 7+?

    By Keith-K - November 20th, 2012 5:38 pm
  12. Dear Dr. Bob

    I find myself reviewing movies while I’m watching them in your voice, how do I make this go away so I can enjoy mainstream cinema again?

    By Alexandre Uboldi - November 20th, 2012 5:45 pm
  13. How do you justify your determination in your “new” review of Phantom menace that it “should not be judged by the standards of the Original Trilogy” with your assessment that “Star Trek (2009)” fails to live up to the Star Trek legacy?

    I ask this as a big fan, not as someone trying to poke holes in your reviews.

    By Iggy - November 20th, 2012 6:01 pm
  14. As per your Big Picture I read The Mortal Instruments wikipedia plot synopsis and vomited blood, which of the “next Twilight” potentials would you like to see succeed and which one would you like to see fade into obscurity?

    By TheAmazingTGIF - November 20th, 2012 6:08 pm
  15. dear dr. bob, do you have any plans to visit australia at any point in the future? and if you do, what conventions/meetups do you plan to attend?

    By charlesmannington - November 20th, 2012 7:00 pm
  16. Dear Bob,
    If you could redo any movie, create any movie, or have a movie made from your favorite game/book (and have it be perfectly well done too…) What would your dream cast be?

    By Jordan - November 20th, 2012 7:00 pm
  17. I saw your article on The Escapist “I wrote that Stuff”

    have there ever been any screen plays that you wrote that in retrospect have actually been “good enough” to show to a producer/film maker/studio?

    By gaurdian - November 20th, 2012 7:24 pm
  18. Dear, Moviebob
    What is your movie of the year and why?

    By James E - November 20th, 2012 7:46 pm
  19. Hey Bob, did Hurricane Sandy affect you at all?

    By Mattteus - November 20th, 2012 7:47 pm
  20. I haven’t had enough money to buy comics anymore, so if I had to pick up one or two trades from this year, what would they be?

    By jjcard - November 20th, 2012 7:50 pm
  21. Howdy Bob von Cinema, It’s easy to find your opinions on Games and Movies, but what are you’re opinions on other media? Music, books, radio and the like?

    By Timeswordsman - November 20th, 2012 7:53 pm
  22. Moviebob, In your opinion which is better: Tom Cruise’s lack-of-pants in “Legend” or David Bowie’s… presence in “Labyrinth”?

    By Jonathan Belina - November 20th, 2012 7:55 pm
  23. Moviebob: Have you seen Birdemic? And what is, in your opinion, the worst movie ever made, period? Not “most overrated” or “should have been good but was terrible”, but the ABSOLUTE WORST thing you’ve ever seen?

    By STEEEEEEVE - November 20th, 2012 7:56 pm
  24. What do you think of films like the “Third Man” and the use of the slated angle to put the audience off on purpose. Is it too obvious or does it achieve its desired affect.

    By King_serpent - November 20th, 2012 8:01 pm
  25. Hey Bob,

    The movie Leon with jean reno is known as a cult classic what is your opinion?

    By Wolfsorrow - November 20th, 2012 8:04 pm
  26. dear MovieBob, how do you approach your reviews? Is it a key line that gets you started, or do you start from a general feeling for the work?

    By undecided44 - November 20th, 2012 8:05 pm
  27. what is your process on a topic for The Big Picture

    By gaurdian - November 20th, 2012 8:06 pm
  28. Challenge for bob: Spend about a minute expelling the glory that is Michael Bay and how amazing his films are.

    Question: How do you feel about the indie scene of games and film?

    By James - November 20th, 2012 8:06 pm
  29. What is the chances that the new superman will turn into a more dark or serious style and isn’t that rather a style that does not work with the character.

    By King_serpent - November 20th, 2012 8:07 pm
  30. What kind of Movie would you make if you had the resources to?

    By Jrod_Twodolla - November 20th, 2012 8:08 pm
  31. Dear Dr. Bob,
    I’m a film student just starting out. Any advice for getting my stuff out there?

    By Miles - November 20th, 2012 8:12 pm
  32. Dear Dr Bob,

    What do you think of my brand?

    By Dix - November 20th, 2012 8:14 pm
  33. How do you feel about Cult classic movies that were really bad movies? for example Night at the Roxburry.

    By Jrod_Twodolla - November 20th, 2012 8:14 pm
  34. Dear Dr. Bob: Which is the better Whedon, Cabin in the Woods or The Avengers?

    By Emi - November 20th, 2012 8:14 pm
  35. Dear Dr Bob: Are you coming to PAX Aus?

    By ThorinsBlade - November 20th, 2012 8:19 pm
  36. Thoughts on the Red Dawn Remake & the reshoots they had to do.

    By Kthanid - November 20th, 2012 8:19 pm

    By Royce - November 20th, 2012 8:20 pm
  38. Leave a Reply