November 18, 2012, 10:09 pm
Posted by: Kara

We got a number of great submissions for the Dengler & Butts poster challenge, but the winner is…



The rest of the amazing submissions are here:

3 Comments on “Dengler & Butts Poster Challenge”

  1. The picture with the guy holding a journal on some steps is me. You can’t tell from the picture, but that’s the steps of the old courthouse building in Sioux Falls, SD.

    By Wing Dairu - November 18th, 2012 10:33 pm
  2. I’m the medieval lady. Imagine my surprise to get a mention from Steve!

    By KyrieEleison - November 18th, 2012 11:50 pm
  3. I was the one with the TARDIS bookshelf! Interesting fact, the flashlight I’m holding is from a giveaway I won last year on DB5. It supposed to be like the ones used in L.A. Noire :p

    By TechieBaker - November 19th, 2012 1:20 am
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