November 17, 2012, 7:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

We are immensely excited to have PopCap Games on our list of sponsors this year.

Founded in 2000, PopCap Games essentially founded the “casual gaming” movement with their flagship hit Bejeweled. Over the past twelve years they’ve continued to dominate the market with hits such as Bookworm, Peggle, and the phenomenal Plants vs. Zombies.

The brilliance of PopCap Games is that they create products that are easy to learn, addictive to play, and available over just about every kind of system you can think of from XBOX to iPhone to Facebook. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, PopCap is right beside you waiting to start the fun.

This year PopCap is helping Desert Bus this year by supplying a ton of games and swag.

One Comment on “Sponsor Thank You: PopCap Games”

  1. Unfortunately you forgot to add the http:// in front of the PopCap link, and it thinks it’s an internal link!

    PopCap is totally awesome, though. :)

    By Tim - November 17th, 2012 7:18 am
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