November 17, 2012, 5:00 pm
Posted by: kathleen

Michael Lunsford is the artist behind for the webcomic Supernormal Step. After he drew an amazing poster for Desert Bus for Hope 3, we realized we could never let him go, and signed him up for Desert Bus 4 and 5 as well! We’re lucky to have him back again doing this year’s poster and we can’t wait to see what he does for Desert Bus 6.

Best of all, dear Bus-fan, you will be not only be able to purchase that soon to be legendary poster from the LoadingReadyRun store but you’ll also be able to sleep sweetly in the knowledge that a portion of the proceeds will go to Child’s Play.

Be sure to check out Supernormal Step and Michael’s DeviantArt page to get a taste of how absolutely awesome his art is!

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