November 17, 2012, 9:56 am
Posted by: Kelly

Earlier this morning we challenged the chat to come up with an ode to the Unskippable running gag Russell the crow (ha, get it?).

Even though we only gave you guys 15 minutes, we had an astounding 110 entries! Unfortunately, that’s too many post on the blog, but here are some of our favourites:

From Joseph:

He is the bravest of birds,

Named russell by two nerds,

Checking out animated boobies,

throughout odd short movies,

scenes flavored like turds.

From Dromos_GHG:

Russell was a crow from the Darkness
His days spent pecking dead carcass
He flies through the skies
And picks out corpse eyes
The blood adds delicious taste sharpness

From Xtine:

There was a crow that interupted

whenever a cutscenece erupted

But Russell squawks on

with every game won

Again is the 4th wall disrupted.

From eSeamus:

The signs of aggression were growin’

And soon cascades of blood were flowin’

Then out from the tussle

Came a crow (His name’s Russell)

Who said, “Hey, guys. How’s it goin’?”

From Adam:

There once was a crow named Russell

Who appeared in games (pre-tussell)

He glanced at the camera

Said, “hi folks.” (right ‘atcha)

Then flew away to eat some muscle.

But these ones really made us giggle:

From Eric:

The one with the big shiny wings,
he appears in many of their things.
When it comes to unskippable,
he sure is unmissable,
he’s probably in lord of the rings.

From Jimmy:

There once was a Russel-named crow,

Whose ominous presence did show,
That these video games,
All look the same,
When you play forty-three in a row.

From Chton:

There once was a crow named russell
who got into a little tussle
He defeated his foe
and said, that clever crow,
next time it’s your jimmies I rustle.

From Matthew:

There once was a crow named Russell
who served one with lots of dark muscle
With Angelus they fought,
but no matter how hard they tried,
He still went to hell.
And that was the first time he died.

Congrats to our winners Matthew, Chton, Jimmy and Eric – You’ve all won a copy of The Darkness 2 on PC, donated by 2K Games!

One Comment on “Russell the Crow Limerick Challenge”

  1. Hey, guys. unfortunately, i typed the email address in wrong, so i didn’t get to submit my limerick. v_v

    but i really want you all to read this, so here it is!!!

    The Prophecy of the Crow

    When darkness is common as sand
    And shadows keep hold o’er the land
    A hero shall rise
    Who prefers eating eyes
    This Crow shall be first to take Stand

    By Artemis - November 17th, 2012 10:11 am
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