November 14, 2012, 9:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

Desert Bus starts on Friday! (AAAAAAAAAAAA!) The fun is only a matter of hours aways now, so why not tide yourself over by looking at our incredible selection of prizes!

Head on down to our Live Auctions and Silent Auctions pages to see all the amazing stuff you can bid on, and what times all our prizes will be auctioned. This year we’ve dramatically boosted the amount of things we’re giving away, so don’t forget to check out the Giveaways listings to see all the incredible items we’ll be awarding via random draws and as contest prizes.

So what kind of stuff can we expect to see this year? How about?

And so much more!
Desert Bus 6: Best. Prizes. Ever.


7 Comments on “All prizes now online for your delight, perusal!”

  1. Understand the auctions, but how are the giveaways going to work? You mentioned ‘random draws and as contest prizes’. Need more clarification on this. :)

    By Noir - November 14th, 2012 11:48 am
  2. I believe, if I recall from past years, giveaways will mostly be of the form: “Anyone who donates any money in a given time period goes in the draw to win”. There’s also prizes you can win just by watching. As for what’s given out when, I understand that while they have a general “pile o’ gifts” for each day, it’s not a rigorous schedule beyond that.

    By Alexander Rodgers - November 14th, 2012 1:08 pm
  3. In the past, giveaways have been done at semi-unpredicatble times (though some may be announced ahead of time) and during slower moments/time between auctions and other stuff. Entries have been donations of x amount ($5 is a usual amount, but it can change) between the start of the giveaway and the end, with the winner randomly selected from the entries.

    By Chris - November 14th, 2012 1:37 pm
  4. Thanks for the clarification. If only the FAQ section was up already… :\

    By Noir - November 14th, 2012 1:56 pm
  5. There’s also contests – drawing, poetry, anything the team dreams up, really. I can’t remember if they did this last year, but for DB4 there were random draws from people who tweeted about DB in a certain period of time (in the next half hour! between X and Y o’clock!). Lots of options to win, but not necessarily scheduled as Alexander mentioned above.

    By Chemistring - November 14th, 2012 2:15 pm
  6. You guys pretty much have it right – giveaways are done in a variety of ways. A lot of them will be via what we call donation drives: “Donate X amount in the next half hour and you’ll be put in a drawing to win this prize!” kind of thing. It’s usually a smallish amount – say between $5 and $15.

    We also sometimes award giveaway prizes for art, story, poetry, construction and other contests. And there will be things like game and music download codes given away during Twitter and Facebook. We have a LOT of stuff to give away this year, which we are really excited about!

    By tally - November 15th, 2012 12:53 am
  7. Looking at the giveaway prizes I had to remind myself that they are the giveaways. That is an epic list of loot!

    By Lindy - November 16th, 2012 4:33 am
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