November 13, 2012, 2:13 pm
Posted by: Graham

Much is made of the men and women who drive the bus. In past years, each driver’s shift has taken on a life of its own, with its own memes and running gags. We’ve switched it up over the years—from 4-hour shifts, to 24-hour shifts—and this year we’re switching it up again!

Desert Bus 6 features 12-hour driving shifts, so we can get more faces in front of you. And as an added bonus, each driver is going to have their very own, super-special giveaway item, and it’s going to be up to them who wins it and how.

Here’s the faces you can expect to see behind the controller (though, as always, there’s ample chance of surprise guests):

  • Friday @ 9:00PM — James
  • Saturday @ 9:00AM — Paul
  • Saturday @ 9:00PM — Matt
  • Sunday @ 9:00AM — Cam
  • Sunday @ 9:00PM — Ashton
  • Monday @ 9:00AM — Kathleen
  • Monday @ 9:00PM — Johnny
  • Tuesday @ 9:00AM — Bill
  • Tuesday @ 9:00PM — Graham
  • Wednesday @ 9:00AM — Tally
  • Wednesday @ 9:00PM — Alex
  • Thursday @ 9:00AM — Morgan
  • Thursday @ 9:00PM — Jeremy
  • ?????

22 Comments on “Drivers Schedule 2012”

  1. Maybe I’ll play Desert Bus on my iPhone for 12 hours, for the authentic Desert Bus For Hope experience! …But I’ll probably just watch you guys play instead… Yeah, that sounds better for all involved…

    By EddyDTheDuck - November 13th, 2012 2:49 pm
  2. Interesting change, and ultimately I think it’ll be better for your guys’ overall health. Hopefully we can break the point record too.

    By MarkVI - November 13th, 2012 3:09 pm
  3. Oh dear, so many new drivers. Hope they’re practicing. ;p I’m just teasing, though. Sure everyone’ll do great and the crashes will be entirely unrelated to who’s driving.

    By Under_Score - November 13th, 2012 3:29 pm
  4. Getting James to be the first driver, it won’t be so bad in the long run (unless he drives again) 😛 lol

    By Lethal Hobo - November 13th, 2012 3:45 pm
  5. Anyone want to put down money for a crash at 5PM on Tuesday? 😛

    By Dane - November 13th, 2012 3:45 pm
  6. Starting Driver – James. Who didnt see that one coming?

    By Frank - November 13th, 2012 3:47 pm
  7. Crash estimate: somewhere between 5PM and 9PM Tuesday.

    By Erik - November 13th, 2012 3:47 pm
  8. Awesome, it will be really cool to see more of Alex and Paul driving the bus.

    By Zipa - November 13th, 2012 4:23 pm
  9. My thoughts exactly, Dane — we should start the Crash Betting Pool now, right? ‘Cuz I’ve got 10am on Tuesday and again at 10am on Thursday. :)

    By OcelotOnABus - November 13th, 2012 4:29 pm
  10. But I look forward to James’ insane 24 hour+ shifts!

    By Josh - November 13th, 2012 4:35 pm
  11. The book is now open on how many crashes will happen during Bill’s shift.

    By NJ - November 13th, 2012 5:52 pm
  12. I have faith in bill this year, not only will Bill not crash but no one will crash on his shift.

    By Lord Hosk - November 13th, 2012 6:41 pm
  13. Y’all remember Bill didn’t crash last year, right?

    By Graham - November 13th, 2012 6:54 pm
  14. Clearly no one has faith in Bill. Even though he proved last year that he is a better driver than Morgan, who crashed no less than three times in his shift. Personally, I’m curious about how Graham and Alex will do. That, and really hoping Alex’s shift is basically 12 hours of Derpline.

    By Phoenix - November 13th, 2012 7:37 pm
  15. 12 hours of Derpline? Bus yeah! 😀

    A friend is betting Bill’s imminent crash will be at 3:03pm. He’s very exact.

    By Matt - November 13th, 2012 8:44 pm
  16. Just remember “He’s never crashed the desert bus, and never would.” … Things for Matt to live up to…

    By Jamas Enright - November 13th, 2012 8:50 pm
  17. What no Kate driving? Hopefully she might be the ???? 😛

    By Laura - November 14th, 2012 12:28 am
  18. Looks like Morgan gets the “Value Added” Bonus based on the posted auction times.

    By MarkVI - November 14th, 2012 1:54 am
  19. AwW I was hoping to see Kate drive this year. Great line up though. No crashes this year,!

    By stu f - November 14th, 2012 2:12 am
  20. Awww, bummer … No extra-length for James AND James having the first shift? Where’s the fun in that?

    But there’s a ton of drivers that may or may not be crucial in crashing. Looking forward to it.

    By FEichinger - November 14th, 2012 4:26 am
  21. James has forgone doing the last shift this year because he was kind enough to let Jeremy take it… because Jeremy’s work schedule has kept him from being able to do any other driving shift during the entire week. :( So while we sympathize with your sorrows over not getting to make James suffer doubly, we’re glad that Jer will get a chance to spend some time in the driver’s seat as well!

    By tally - November 15th, 2012 12:56 am
  22. Bill believes that those “crashes” in the past are his way of bringing some drama to the desert bus.

    By billsmom - November 16th, 2012 6:56 am
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