November 5, 2012, 11:59 pm
Posted by: Ashton

Hello everyone, and Happy Monday! We know that Mondays are not always generally joyful affairs, so to make yours better we have a shiny new website and some nifty announcements. May they brighten your day!

Our first announcement is that donations have gone live! So for those of you who just can’t wait to start causing us pain, you may now donate towards making us drive the Desert Bus for way. Too. Long. For the children, as always.

We also have many shiny new banners, buttons and posters that you can download, post and print to help us spread the word about the Desert Bus and build the anticipation. You can find all of those here.

And, to really help you start the week off right, here’s a word from Daddy Ashton about how you can prepare for and contribute to Desert Bus:



Stay tuned for many more exciting announcements coming later this week!

4 Comments on “Happy Monday!”

  1. Your shiny, new website looks just like last year’s still shiny, but a bit less new website. :)

    By Dared00 - November 6th, 2012 1:25 pm
  2. Hilariously enough the home page said this was posted five days from now.

    By Deric Wadleigh - November 6th, 2012 1:32 pm
  3. If someone donates now to “sponsor an hour” will that be recognized at all during that hour?

    By Lord Hosk - November 6th, 2012 1:32 pm
  4. Unfortunately, our tracking system is not so sophisticated as to do this for us. It would require us to do maths, which we are not so good at. Feel free to remind us through the chat, though, when it comes to that time. We’ll probably be able to do some “recognising” then.

    By Kara - November 6th, 2012 10:11 pm
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