November 24, 2011, 3:05 pm
Posted by: KingKool

Chapter 8 comes to us from 2nd time author Joshua:

Butts lept to his feet and charged Dong, trying to tackle him to the ground. Dong threw him aside, but Butts was able to pull off a piece of Dong’s sleeve, revealing a tattoo all too familiar to Butts, but one he had never seen on his old pal and former detective Dong-Ki-Kong.

“That tattoo, that’s the same as the Themiston cartel’s!” Butts gasped.  “How could you join them Dong? They killed Russ, they even killed your old partner Diddles!”

“Correction, Butts, I killed Russ and Diddles. He was getting too close, he knew too much for his own good Butts, so I took him out,” said Dong with a very unsettling smile. Rage burned in detective Butts’s eyes as he pulled himself up from the ground. He spit out one of his teeth as he reached for his gun.

“What are you trying to do Butts. There’s no way you’ll be able to pull your gun out before I give you a mouth full of buckshot”

“Why, Dong? Just tell me why you killed him. Why you betrayed us all”

“Money, Butts, just the money. Cartels pay nicely, as do the terrorists that hired me to take you two out.”

“What about the children, Dong? What about them? You’re robbing a charity Dong. How can you sleep at night?”

“Bus the children! Bus em’ all to the pit of bussville!”

Suddenly Dong felt a horrible pain in his shoulder. Behind him layed a horribly injured Dengler.

“You missed!” Dong said to Dengler with a laugh.

“I won’t,” said Butts as he let a round escape the barrel of his pistol. Dong turned back just in time to greet the bullet as it lodged itself in his chest. He fell to the ground and dropped his shotgun as he coughed up a mouthful of blood. Butts stumbled over and picked up Dong’s shotgun, taking aim with it at Dong’s head.

“Butts, y… you wouldn’t.” Dong said between coughs of blood. “Y… you know Russ wouldn’t want this, he wou… wouldn’t want you to ki..kill me for him. He wouldn’t want y…you the become a murderer for him.”

One Comment on “Dengler & Butts: Chapter 8”

  1. You’re fucking awesome, lads!
    Respect from Russia lol

    By rockamark - November 24th, 2011 3:52 pm
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