November 23, 2011, 7:43 pm
Posted by: Kara

AlexanderDitto challenged us to gather one fact from every person who visited the Moonbase over the past 5 days. Once Kathleen finished her shift this evening, she read the all aloud. And here they are!

01) “Pandas are more closely related to raccoons than Bears.” – Steve Butts

02) “All calico cats are female by genetic requirement.” – Kristen Lindsay

03) “Many corgis have specific colour patterns. People used to believe they were counts for fairies.” – Jamie Dillion

04) “John Roderick is the unofficial mascot of Xbox Kinect by the name of Captain Kinect.” – Stepto

05) “Grant Imahara has double-jointed thumbs.” – Grant Imahara

06) “Magneta is not actually a colour.” – LeeLee

07) “Cephalopods are not actually sharks.” – Ian

08) “It takes 10 floors for an elevator’s emergency breaks to kick in.” – Robert Khoo

09) “The whiptail lizard is almost all female, but they can reproduce silulating sex with other lady lizards, which will stimulate themselves into releasing a genetic clone of themselves.” – Jim Sterling

10) “Pomegranates grow wild in Afghanistan.” – Dix

11) “You cannot talk while inhaling through your nose.” – Mike Robles

12) “The pangolin’s tongue starts way down in the bottom of their ribcage.” – DoctorVancouver

13) “A group of mallard ducks is a ‘sword’ of ducks.” – Jer

14) “A pregnant goldfish is called a ‘twit’.” – Kate

15) “You can’t move your foot clockwise while you move your hand counter-clockwise.” – Kim

16) “Bison will sacrifice one of the herd to try and escape wolves.” – Bill

17) “Helium is a byproduct of nuclear decay and we are running out.” – Alex

18) “In 1983, Bill was the biggest baby born in the Huntsville Ont. hospital.” – Kate, Bill’s Mom

19) “Plants vs. Zombies was originally going to be named ‘Lawn of the Dead’ but it was changed due to licensing issues.” – Jeff Green

20) “There is a Bejeweled backstory.” – Jeff Green

21) “7-11’s head office is in Japan.” – Ian

22) “John Patrick Flatery, a.k.a. the voice of Sniper in Team Fortress 2, is married to Ellen McLean, voice of GladOS.” -Yahtzee

23) “Turtles like to eat pumpkin pie filling.” – Veronica Belmont

24) “The highest grossing family film of all time adjusted for inflation is the first muppet movie.” – MovieBob

25) “Bees will not fill in a space exactly 2 bees in size.” – Neil Gaiman

26) “At the time, the original Ninja Turtles movie was the highest grossing indy film of all time.” – Sam Logan

27) “A neutron start is so dense that if a piece the size of a sugar cube were to sit on the surface of the earth would weigh as much as all the cars in the USA combined.” – Phil Plait

28) “You cannot keep your eyes open when you sneeze.” – Ken Steacy

29) “The name Pez comes from the first, middle, and last letters in the German word for peppermint, ‘Phetterminz.’ The first candies were peppermint and came in dispensers shaped like lighters.” – Psychopez

30) “Mario was named after one of Nintendo America’s landlords.” – Peter Sagal

31) “Real buses tend to go faster than those in Sega CD’s.” – Dostrow

32) “Sea urchins do not age.” – Andre

33) “Slimer’s original name was ‘Onion Head'” – Peter Cline

34) “At one point Monte Cook could recite all of Ghost Busters from beginning to end.” – Monte Cook

35) “Liz is the coolest person Graham has ever met.” – Liz

36) “In the game Borderlands, the motion capture for the character Lilith in the opening bus ride scene was done by Mikey Neumann.” – Mikey Neumann

37) “Yaks milk is pink.” – Felicia Day

38) “Steve proposed to Kim Stockwood, of ‘Jerk’ fame.” – Steve

39) “The throaty noise pilots make is to stay on the airspace and let other pilots know that they cannot talk.” – Ash

40) “Horses can generalize.” – Notch

41) “Cows have anal muscles.” – C418

42) “Telltale has its very own Narnia.” – Seg (Ümloud)

43) “The original “Drink the Kool-Aid” came from the Georgetown massacre, but they really drank Flavor-Aid.” – Uberbeth

44) “The only sport for which the rules stipulate that you must play left handed is polo.” – Susan Arenott

45) “Hinged scissors were invented by the Romans in ~100AD.” – Tally

46) “Valve has an email set up for ‘[email protected]’ because of how Gabe Newell pronounces his address.” –

47) “Sean Becker has never and will never eat a McRib.” – Sean Becker

48) “Pringles are mandated to be referred to as ‘potato crisps’ because chip manufacturers couldn’t compete.” – J. McElroy

49) “The first time Graham heard ‘Africa’ was the rap cover by Karl Wolf.” – Graham

50) ” The ‘over 9000′ meme dialogue was originally 8000 but was changed to fit the lip syncing.” – Paul

51) “Ben Edlund, creator of ”The Tick’ wrote the Firefly episode ‘Jayne’s Town’ including writing the song, ‘The Hero of Canton.'” – Johnny

52) “As a Freemason, Beej wants to be clear that it is not a ‘Secret Society’ but a ‘Society with Secrets'” – Beej

53) “The Bayer filter is 50% green, 25% red, and 25% blue because photos would look weird otherwise.” – Cori

54) “ and both use the same ‘custom’ site coding.” – Kroze

55) “Inside the human eye, the retina, is wired backwards. The light has to pass the nerves and connecting cells to reach the photoreceptor cells that will receive the light.” – Tina Hollands.

56) “Stephen Fry smells like roses and cologne.” – Molly Lewis

57) “Molly Lewis’ nickname as a little girl was Gorbachev, which was sometimes shortened to ‘Gorby'” – Molly Lewis’ Mom

58) “McDonald’s french fries taste different in Japan.” – Ashley Allman

59) “The suggested serving for the 1/2 lb. Reese’s cup is 1/6 of it.” – Keldane

60) “It’s bad luck for sailors to clink their glasses when they toast. The sound too closely ressembles the sound of the bell that tolls when a sailor is lost at sea.” – Brent

61) “It is illegal to die in the houses of parliament.” – Jaimie

62) “Black ants can bite, but they can only bite once.” – Kara

63) “Rhinos only run in a straight line.” – Ashton

64) “Carrots used to be purple.” – Chris

65) “According to Canadian minor hockey, when a referee drops the puck at the beginning of a period he faces the timeclock, but when he drops the puck during the middle of a period, he faces the players’ benches so he can watch out for any shenanigans.” – Matt

66) “Elephants purposefully eat fermented fruit juice to get drunk.” – Jess

67) “If an acronym is not pronounceable as a word (CIA, KDI, etc.) it is actually an initialism.” – Small Ian

68) “JoCo was a Level 5 Juvenile Theif.” – Johnathan Coulton

Thanks to AlexanderDitto for the fun and creative challenge!

13 Comments on “Desert Bus Fun Facts”

  1. fact 43 is wrong, it was jonestown, in some country I can’t remember off the top of my head in south america, and was spurred by the murder of a congressman. Sorry, I find that whole event very interesting and have spent a lot of time studying it and it just doesn’t sit right having it slightly wrong.

    By cyprod - November 23rd, 2011 10:34 pm
  2. Unfortunately, 28 is also a half-truth. It is a reflex action for most of the population, but there are a few select individuals for whom it is voluntary. There are no ill effects to sneezing while your eyes are open.

    By JimInEngland - November 24th, 2011 12:50 am
  3. 29) the German peppermint is actually spelled ‘Pfefferminz’ but the fact still holds

    By Anne - November 24th, 2011 3:24 am
  4. Re: 43 – Jonestown was in Guyana and it was spurred by the murder of a congressman (and several others with him) but Jim Jones had been holding “rehearsals” for the mass suicide for some time before that. It’s a grim thing to know a lot about, really.

    By rye_and_wheat - November 24th, 2011 6:37 am
  5. Daffodils only have one petal.

    Tomatoes are closely related to Deadly Nightshade.

    By Merrymaker_mortalis - November 24th, 2011 7:03 am
  6. 08) Elevator brakes work in proportion to how far you have to fall. It might be that if you’re on the nintieth floor they stop you in ten floors, but if you’re on a lower floor, the brakes stop you pretty sharply, and there’s no way there’s any emergency braking system that takes ten floors to start working. You could reasonably kill someone if a cable failed at the ninth floor. Also, the emergency braking system is entirely mechanical, as far as I know, so that if the electricity fails the lift still stops, so it can’t be anything programmed in.

    Sorry, that one always annoyed me in films. xD

    By Jim - November 24th, 2011 7:40 am
  7. I just did #15 so that fact is wrong.

    By Sumireyan - November 24th, 2011 7:49 am
  8. Re: Anne – I submitted with the correct spelling, it probably just got copied in the notebook wrong.

    By Mike "PsychoPez" Hasko - November 24th, 2011 9:34 am
  9. Gah, hit submit too fast, but thanks for correcting before I could. :)

    By Mike "PsychoPez" Hasko - November 24th, 2011 9:35 am
  10. 02) “All calico cats are female by genetic requirement.” – Kristen Lindsay

    This fact is wrong. Not all calico cats are female some are male (these are rare) but they either are born dead, do not live past a few months, or are born sterile.

    By Linda Bridget - November 24th, 2011 7:10 pm
  11. Chat… I told you, hondor64 and me counted 68 facts… you all lied about 70-71!

    By Tussengas - November 25th, 2011 10:09 am
  12. it was stated in the ‘rules’ over and over that it doesn’t have to be a true fact.

    By Lord Hosk - November 29th, 2011 8:28 pm
  13. @Lord Hosk; that doesn’t make any sense. A fact is a fact, therefore it is supposed to be true. You can’t have a false fact. Facts are proven.
    The rule was it could be *any* fact, not just about themself. 😉
    That said, a bunch of those “facts” aren’t accurate.. Some are really cool and valid though!

    By Matt - December 1st, 2011 3:17 pm
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