November 22, 2011, 12:32 am
Posted by: tally

If you were around last year, you may recall that we had a contest to come up with the official cocktail of Desert Bus. The winner was Mark’s Deceptive Sunrise, wonderfully named and magically delicious.

On Tuesday night (Nov. 22), with cocktails in hand, we’ll be enjoying an evening of toasts, starting at 10ish pm PST. Thanks to the thoughtful generosity of viewer Travis, who thought (rightly) that we might need some stiff drinks over the course of this largely sleepless week, we’ll be sipping our Sunrises and toasting this, that and the other thing until our cups run dry. Tune in to enjoy increasingly amusing toasts and tales. If you’d like to take part in the toasting from the comfort of your viewing screen, you can find the recipe for the Deceptive Sunrise below.

Deceptive Sunrise

  • 1 part Drambuie
  • 2 parts ginger ale
  • splash of cherry juice (can substitute cranberry)
For a list of the runner-up drinks, and the winning and runner-up non-alcoholic beverages, go here.

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