November 22, 2011, 9:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

One of the great things about Desert Bus is the SHEER variety of stuff we give away and auction off. We’re not just into video games and general geeky items though, we also like rad books!

Author Omi Inouye is back again, donating copies of A Girl’s Guide to Dating a Geek, Andre Curse: A Storybook about Recursion, and the Infant’s Guide to Calculus. You can find more about her at We also have a 50 Word Stories Prize pack donated by our own Tim Sevenhuysen, an awesome package of delights from Sam and Fuzzy author Sam Logan and a signed copy of Kate Beaton’s new book Hark! A Vagrant, donated by Matthew Murray!

The sharp eyed among you will note all these great authors are Canadian… Somewhere a beaver is wiping away a tear of pride.

2 Comments on “Sponsor Showcase: Our Great Authors and Creators”

  1. You should post the signature/drawing inside Hark! A Vagrant (unless it is too terrible : ))

    By Matthew Murray - November 22nd, 2011 1:11 pm
  2. Happy to contribute! It was a thrill to see my books and shirt get auctioned off for so much.

    For the children!

    By Tim Sevenhuysen - November 26th, 2011 10:28 pm
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