November 22, 2011, 7:00 pm
Posted by: Matt

Star of The Guild, Dragon Age: Redemption, and Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog, Felicia day is one of the most famous faces in webseries today. With additional acting credits including Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Dollhouse, Eureka, and House MD, Felicia has also done voice work for Guild Wars II, Dragon Age II, and Fallout: New Vegas.

A genuine geek, and always a pleasure to talk with, Felicia will be calling in at 8:00PM. Don’t miss it!

51 Comments on “Guest Call: Felicia Day”

  1. What is your stance on erotic Star Trek fan fiction?

    By Sash - November 22nd, 2011 7:01 pm
  2. What was your favorite character to voice for?

    By Berenzen - November 22nd, 2011 7:07 pm
  3. Since you provided voice work for Guild Wars 2, what is your opinion on the game so far?

    By Spolin - November 22nd, 2011 7:07 pm
  4. You seem to do a lot of work with Wil Wheaton,what is he like to work with?

    By Krob - November 22nd, 2011 7:09 pm
  5. How do you feel about Fallout?

    By PsychoBakura - November 22nd, 2011 7:10 pm
  6. Dear Dr. Felicia, since you’ve become an internet celebrity, what’s the coolest opportunity you’ve gotten?

    By DanielTheBusDriver - November 22nd, 2011 7:19 pm
  7. Do you plan on playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and what class do you plan on rolling? (:

    By Herne - November 22nd, 2011 7:23 pm
  8. Dr. Felicia, now that you’ve concluded Dragon Age: Redemption, should we expect any new series in the near-future? I know at NYCC you discussed the growing importance of ‘cross-media’ ventures such as that, and it seems like Redemption was very well deceived. Keep up the great work!

    By Raiger - November 22nd, 2011 7:26 pm
  9. Dear Doctor Felicia, First of all, you are awesome as an awesome thing. Second, how do you manage to balance your professional life with your gaming, and do you have any advice on how to do so?

    By Emmy - November 22nd, 2011 7:26 pm
  10. Tesla or Edison?

    By Dan - November 22nd, 2011 7:28 pm
  11. Would you be willing to play rock, paper, scissors with Graham? Best 4 out of 6.

    By Addison - November 22nd, 2011 7:30 pm
  12. Avengers cameo or maybe even Dr. Horrible 2?

    By Speeder_Venkman - November 22nd, 2011 7:31 pm
  13. Team Edison or team Tesla

    By sweeks - November 22nd, 2011 7:32 pm
  14. Dear Dr. Felicia,
    I recently got done watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer all the way through again for the 3rd time and came to appreciate the potentials a lot more. To me, they seem to be a Whedonian feminist vessel of power. What’s it like being a vessel for Joss Whedon?

    By Joe - November 22nd, 2011 7:33 pm
  15. Dear Doctor Felicia,

    Do you have any hilarious “backstage” Guild stories for us?

    By RocketSiobhan - November 22nd, 2011 7:38 pm
  16. Dear Dr. Felicia: Whenever one of my non-geek friends ask me who you are, I tell them that 20 years from now, they’re going to reminisce about how weird it was when shows had to be pre-approved by “TV-channels” before they were created, and that you are leading that change.
    What’s it like to be a pioneer?

    (P.S.: LRRFolk, you are also an important influence!)

    By Cutlesnap - November 22nd, 2011 7:41 pm
  17. Is there any information that you can share about the Dr. Horrible sequel?

    By Jamfalcon - November 22nd, 2011 7:42 pm
  18. Will you give Wil Wheaton a hard time for missing his scheduled call in time next time you see him?

    By Ecks - November 22nd, 2011 7:43 pm
  19. I know you love rescue animals, will you tell us something funny about your own pets? Do they have awesome nerdy names?

    (from Pixie and her rescue pitbull Leonard “Bones” McCoy)

    By Pixie - November 22nd, 2011 7:47 pm
  20. How did you finally get the courage to follow you idea and plunge into the creation of The Guild.

    By DoctorVancouver - November 22nd, 2011 7:48 pm
  21. Do you have any bacon related facts? 😀

    By midnightbacon - November 22nd, 2011 7:55 pm
  22. You’ve had success in a lot of different formats, with web series, comics, TV, video games, and now feature films. Any plans to expand to other media, such as short stories or novels?

    By Greenspan - November 22nd, 2011 7:56 pm
  23. What was the biggest challenge you faced during the first season of The Guild?

    By goggleman64 - November 22nd, 2011 7:56 pm
  24. Dear Dr Day do you have any advice for a WoW addict on how to balance my real life with that fake world that requires me to do things like sleep, eat and watch desert bus?

    By Kotosuatz - November 22nd, 2011 7:59 pm
  25. What was the best part about being on Eureka?

    By Darastrixcaex - November 22nd, 2011 8:03 pm
  26. My friend Kirk Lynds claims he met you on a cruise ship before you were famous. Is this true?

    By TheSeriousBusiness - November 22nd, 2011 8:04 pm
  27. Dear Dr. Felicia: Are you going to fill the house with tomatoes so much that you can’t even walk in to it?

    By TsukiakariUsagi - November 22nd, 2011 8:04 pm
  28. Which of your characters do you feel had the most ‘geekness’?

    By QMi6 - November 22nd, 2011 8:04 pm
  29. Any tips for an aspiring writer?

    By Simple_Man - November 22nd, 2011 8:05 pm
  30. If you have a doppelganger would you prefer her to be brunette or have a goatee?

    By MrPayneTrayne - November 22nd, 2011 8:06 pm
  31. How did you get started?

    By Liam - November 22nd, 2011 8:06 pm
  32. Robots vs Mutants?

    By bombashuti - November 22nd, 2011 8:07 pm
  33. I saw you at dragoncon and you were amazing, and i just wanted to know out of all the people youve met, who was the most intresting to talk to?

    By cha05 - November 22nd, 2011 8:07 pm
  34. What’s your favorite video game?

    By Arrin - November 22nd, 2011 8:08 pm
  35. Dear Dr Felicia, Pie or Cake?

    By SomeLameStuff - November 22nd, 2011 8:09 pm
  36. Dear Dr.Felecia Day –

    Cake or Death?

    By TraderRager - November 22nd, 2011 8:09 pm
  37. What is your stance on erotic Star Trek fan fiction?

    By Nate - November 22nd, 2011 8:09 pm
  38. Do you watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? If so, who is your favorite pony?

    By Simple_Man - November 22nd, 2011 8:10 pm
  39. Dear Dr.Felecia Day –

    Are you a FiM fan? And if so, do you have a favorite pony?

    By TraderRager - November 22nd, 2011 8:10 pm
  40. Fabulous Felicia, what was Wil Wheaton teasing you about?

    By Adelaide - November 22nd, 2011 8:10 pm
  41. Dear Dr. Felicia, if you could have a role in any video game, which game and role would you choose?

    By Chris - November 22nd, 2011 8:11 pm
  42. You mentioned you play Humble Bundle games. Which is your favorite bundle and which game do you like the best from it?

    By MiMMFace - November 22nd, 2011 8:12 pm
  43. Are you a natural red head?

    By TraderRager - November 22nd, 2011 8:12 pm
  44. 1, will you marry me?
    2, I’m considering starting a webseries (inspired by the guild, but about mocking anime (with love)). Do you have any advice?

    By Kalthren - November 22nd, 2011 8:13 pm
  45. Dear Dr. Felicia, have you ever played Fallout: New Vegas, and if so have you taken YOURSELF along as a companion?

    By TraderRager - November 22nd, 2011 8:13 pm
  46. Dear Dr. Felica you are the awesomest lady ever, two questions:

    1. Favorite video game
    2. Favorite video game genre?

    By Silky - November 22nd, 2011 8:15 pm
  47. i heard you want to come to australia have you found a date?

    By Drakas - November 22nd, 2011 8:15 pm
  48. dear dr felica: first, no offence but you sound less nurotic in real life, and second as someone who wants to get into writing online, what advice do you have as an online personality? also you rule!

    By riokusolana - November 22nd, 2011 8:19 pm
  49. What Rock Band instrument do you prefer to play and is there a song you are best at?

    By Icefall - November 22nd, 2011 8:42 pm
  50. Dear Dr. Felica,
    Do you want a Fanta?

    By Humdilla - November 23rd, 2011 6:48 am
  51. […] Desert Bus had a chat with Felicia Day, the voice of Zojja in Guild Wars 2. Here is a link to the pre-show announcement and questions, if any reader have a link for the actual broadcast that would be […]

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