November 22, 2011, 12:49 pm
Posted by: KingKool

We got Chapter 6 of the amazing Dengler & Butts series! This chapter was written by Mitten:

There were four terrorist teams, fifteen minutes


and only two Steves.


They ran.

”We are not enough.” Dengler analyzed and crunched his brow, ” we need backup”

”We’re off the case. There is no backup”, grumbled Butts.

”We are still on a case. The upper case.”, aswered Dangler and pulled out his iphone, ”by the power of Steve, there is always backup”.


Butts peered at the screen and beheld an IRC client.

”Fear! Fire! Foes! Awake!”, Dengler typed aloud, ”terrorists approach the moonbase!”



A sniper shot shattered the phone.

The Steves jumped behind a lamp post.

”Did it get through?”, butts inquired amid a shower of bullets.

”As long as there is the bus, there is hope”, replied Dangler.

Also, here’s Kroze in leather pants.

One Comment on “Dengler & Butts: Chapter 6!”

  1. those are really loose pants, I like them tho. He looks like a christmas tree kinda.

    By Zrelia - November 22nd, 2011 4:09 pm
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