November 21, 2011, 11:00 am
Posted by: kathleen

Michael Lunsford is the artist responsible for the webcomic Supernormal Step. He drew the amazing poster for Desert Bus for Hope 4: A New Hope, summarizing the events of that six day long marathon magnificently. He’s on board to draw the poster for Desert Bus 5, and it promises to be even better! This year the poster will be available for you, the viewers to purchase from the LoadingReadyRun store, and with a portion of the profits going to Child’s Play (the other portion has to go to poor exhausted Michael, because it’s only fair…)

You can read Supernormal Step at and his DeviantArt page at (both links are slightly less safe for the childrens, but check out the Venture Bros. Fanart on his deviantart! That is SO COOL!)

One Comment on “Sponsor Showcase: Michael Lunsford”

  1. Can’t wait to see what the finished poster looks like, the draft last night looked so good!

    By Chemistring - November 21st, 2011 11:37 am
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